In 2024, Liftoff Campaigns launched groundbreaking campaigns, driving historic victories and reshaping the political landscape in challenging environments.
The 2024 election cycle was filled with unprecedented challenges, and Liftoff Campaigns rose to the occasion, spearheading three ambitious campaign launches: Andy Kim’s victorious U.S. Senate race in New Jersey, Harry Dunn’s inspiring grassroots congressional campaign in Maryland, and Missourians for Constitutional Freedom’s successful ballot initiative to overturn the state’s cruel abortion ban. Each campaign had unique hurdles—from tough competition to high stakes for democracy and reproductive rights. Liftoff’s expertise in crafting powerful launches—focused on fundraising, messaging, and mobilization—was instrumental in setting these campaigns up for success.
Each campaign began in an uphill battle:
For Andy Kim’s Senate campaign, Liftoff Campaigns designed a high-profile launch that strategically leveraged the Menendez indictment, positioning Kim as a clear alternative focused on integrity and accountability. The campaign’s launch strategy proved incredibly effective, raising $1 million in its first week and ultimately generating over $11.4 million throughout the cycle. Early media engagement amplified Kim’s reformer narrative, helping him build and maintain momentum through both the primary and general elections.
Harry Dunn’s congressional campaign launch exemplified the power of grassroots momentum. Liftoff’s strategy helped Dunn raise an impressive $3.77 million in Q1 immediately following his campaign launch, with support from more than 115,000 grassroots donors contributing an average of $21 each. The campaign secured extensive media coverage, including dozens of national TV appearances and hundreds of local media stories within weeks of launching. This coverage, combined with messaging that emphasized Dunn’s fight against corruption, established him as a prominent national figure and resonated strongly with donors and supporters across the country.
For Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, Liftoff orchestrated a powerful momentum-driven launch that raised $3 million in the campaign’s first month, setting the foundation for what would become a $31 million campaign to restore abortion rights in Missouri. The team crafted donor communications that effectively linked urgent resource needs to successful signature collection efforts, creating the momentum needed to secure ballot access. Liftoff’s strategic decision to frame Amendment 3 as a fight for individual freedom helped the campaign build connections with voters across the political spectrum.
Andy Kim’s campaign achieved decisive victories in both the primary and general elections, successfully flipping Bob Menendez’s seat and bringing new leadership to New Jersey. The campaign’s impressive fundraising total of over $11.4 million during the cycle was sparked by the strong launch momentum that carried through to election day. Throughout the campaign, Kim solidified his position as a reformer and unifier, earning widespread trust from voters across the state.
Harry Dunn’s congressional campaign launch generated extraordinary financial support, raising $3.77 million in Q1 with contributions from over 115,000 grassroots donors nationwide. The extensive media coverage secured during the launch period elevated his anti-corruption message and established a national profile that laid crucial groundwork for future advocacy efforts as a defender of democracy.
Missourians for Constitutional Freedom achieved a historic victory with the passage of Amendment 3, successfully restoring abortion rights in Missouri and enshrining them in the state constitution. The campaign mobilized tens of thousands of volunteers and donors, demonstrating broad statewide support for reproductive freedom. The strong launch helped secure over $31 million in campaign funds, providing the necessary resources to achieve this landmark win and create lasting change in Missouri.